
I have accidentally deleted 2 drafts of this post xddd

I aaaaaalso accidentally killed the raspberry pi running some of my trading bots because i'm an idiot and wasn't paying attention and used a 12v line instead of the 5v line. Kinda scusks cuz this Pi was with me for 10 years. I got it with my lunch money way back in high school from one of our IT technicians for a massive discount (the entire IT staff at that school are massive legends and have taught me the basics of scripting and are the reason im doing what i am doing right now). Its w/e I'll just glue a magnet to it and chuck it on my wall.

I have never been allowed to put up posters or anything on walls as a kid, which kinda sucked cuz ever since like 10 I never had my own room again buuuuuuuuuut i have an entire full height server relay rack next to my desk right now. It sux too cuz its just a relay rack, so I can't put my servers in there, but I use it for random computer junk thats lighter like parts and whatnot. Its made entirely of metal tho so I can also just put stuff on it with magnets.

At the moment, my "wall" has two lucky queue tickets (theres a bit of a funny story to one of them, its a dupe. I got a ticket machine to somehow spit out a dupe when I was at the police station and neither me nor anyone I told has ever had that happen to them which is cool), a couple cool magnets from the US, a drawing of a cat lady thinking about boobs that I got at an art fair, a condescending (and consequently ignored) legal letter from Warner Bros' lawyer team, and two government documents forbidding international travel (haha get bent, I go where I please). I wish I could take a pic but I don't wanna dox myself lmao

Not really what people usually put on their walls, but none of my fav bands have posters so... a shrine to my misadventures it has become. And the dead relic of my childhood will fit in perfectly. Oh also, looking at it again, theres half of someones pacemaker. I found a pacemaker magnet outside in the grass while doing community service cleaning garbage last spring. Hope whoever lost it is doing alright xdd

Speaking of misadventures, I had to swap off my mad catz mouse because it was interfering with the graphics driver. I am at a loss for words, and frankly if something so stupid had to happen its no surprise it had happened to me. The system basically became unusable, I got constant stuttering and lag in games and I can no longer ignore it. I moved back to the mouse I had before, but I'm gonna keep the rat and just use it with another computer to draw.

Oh and I finally managed to clean up around my desk somewhat. The last few weeks I had just accumulated a mountain of computer parts, clothes and other garbage that I felt too lazy to go put away, so that feels nice.

I feel knackered and I barely did any work at all lol but at laest its FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYY