
The gig is cancelled wooohoo!

I am ngl, i wasn't looking forward to busting my ass 10-7 for pennies, but now its thankfully over lol. The reason is silly too, apparently I was working too slow. I don't feel comfortable submitting subpar work but even at that I was working at an absolutely normal pace. Whatever tho, I'm glad thats over xd

I finally got a keyboard (two actually, but more on that some other time) that will work with the stupid 90s machine, buuuuuuuut it won't boot. Refuses to see the drive, and it hangs reading the boot floppy. Ughhhh, i bet its that stupid integrated time chip. I do have a dremel though, so I'll just do the usual mod so that it stops crying about CMOS.

On the bright side, the BIOS is really nifty and it seems like everything else is fine, even tho it can't detect the drive for some bizzaro reason. Although, neither the floppy nor the pata slots are keyed, so it could be that I have installed them upside down... I'll have to look into thta later.

Also I finally enrolled in driving school so ima get me that driving license babyyyyy lets fucking GOOOOOO!! It would be nice to have a shitbox i could drive to the thrift store so I don't have to haul massive antique computers whenever I buy any.

Kinda wanna draw more, but idk what to draw yet. Gotta get back into the groooove. I've also been looking into Godot (big ups Mishamallow) and it looks like there are quite a lot of projects and tutorials focused on using it to develop desktop software so I'm hella pumped to make something with it. Gonna take a bit to figure out th einterface tho cuz its a bit confusing but it looks promising so far.
