
you know those awkawrd moments where you likeee mishear something or maybe enter at a wrong time and make a joke and like people look at you wierd and you're like "hey who died" and then someon takes you aside and goes like "yah uhmm... someone did" and you then dunno whatto do with yourslf for the next decade?

yeah well... I keep constantly getting myself into these types of situations and I never forget when something awkward happens and oh god the cringe, its too much lol. i try to make light of it, and you know, in hindsight these situations are really really funny, its lke that type of sitcom shit you see on tv. case in point, Matt Rose made multiple videos reading awkard customer service stories and i just rofled through the whole duration of each video but ughhhhhhhh xd

I installed f.lux on my new mac and also on my workstation and I. CANT. SEE. SHITTTTTTT right now. Its just a night light app, and I know like every device and OS comes with their own implementation these days but I was feeling nostalgic so I installed it. I remember messing around with it on my moms mac in likeeeee 2014. She was so pissed that her screen looked like it got waterboarded with mustard in a three letter agency interrogation room but I thought it was funny lmao


So this morning I wake up to a missed call and a text from someone I used to go thrifting with back in the old country. Apparently his gig is short-staffed atm and they needed someone to come in and do some work ASAP so you know I had to help the fella out. I definitely believed him when I got onboarded in 5 minutes so I actually ended up doing like a full day of work...

I'm keeping my part time job of course cuz i need that moolah but I know for a fact Ill feel the burnout in about half a year lol so I just need to brace for that. That also means a lot less time for drawing and playing vidya but I kinda wanted to save up some money to get a drivers license, cuz the process here costs like 2 grand on average for some fucking reason lmao. For context, you can also get a Chevy truck here for the same money.

I kinda forgot to finish this post yesterday and just went to sleep cuz the stupid f.lux thingy made me sleepy, which makes sense cuz thats what it is designed to do lmaooo but I'll be uninstalling it from my workstation for now cuz it also gave me a headache xd

dunno how to finish this now. Ty to all the new folks who followed btw, yall are epiccccccc