tgif and other happenings

Its finally Friday, lets fucking GOOOOO!

Today was pretty chill, which is great, cuz I felt tired as hell lol. Theres a bunch of stuff going on at work and IR-EL so its nice to take a mental break whenevre I can lol.

Also I noticed I tend to end every sentence with lol, which may or may not be related to something my therapist told me once, about how humor helps cope with stress and stuff but I think I just have 2010 brainrot forever and can't function unless I add lol, lmao, or XD at the end of everything I say in text. Its a miracle i manage to send professional correspondence without bombarding the recipient with outdated internet slang.

We went to the mall today and I got myself an absolute AWESOME hoodie that was on sale. Its actually from a collection that was made in a collab with a somewht famous artist, Maciej Rauch, and it looks like this:

you can't tell me it doesn't look EMO AF!! i put it on right outside the store lol, got it in xl cuz baggy hoodies are my bread and butter. I don't care if I boil alive in the summer sun, I'm gonna rock this bad boy outside allllll day long.

We also had some authentic Japanese ramen at a Japanese restaurant today. It was good but the whole time I was eating I couldn't stop thinking about how despite having spent like 7 years living in southeast asia i'm more used to middle eastern food than asian food (i'm not middle eastern either btw). Weird how that works, but w/e.

thats about all, i had a good time today, xd. I've been drawing some of my old ass characters (you can see them in the gallery) and I wanna keep drawing more of them, so I'm pretty fucking PUMPED to keep doing that. it feels really nice to get back to doing art. ty gewgewgaw for pestering me to do it lol.

Aaalso I got a chatbox going, so if any of yall are reading this, if you have any questoins, suggestions, OBJECTIONS or whatever else you want to say, feel free to use it or don't idc. I don't really use any social media besieds Neocities so if you really wanted to talk to me for some bizarre reason, this and my Neocities profile comments are the only ways to do so for now.
